It seems pertinent that my very first post on here is the recipe for the body butter that was the catalyst to my green beauty/body products adventure. My oldest daughter had severe eczema on her face as an infant and we were dumbfounded and discouraged when nothing that was suggested by doctors was working except Cortizone 10…on her face! So my husband did some fancy internet searching and found a green baby body butter brand that did wonders. Until they changed their formula. This time with our second child, same eczema issues, we were back to square one once more. I just knew there had to be something, someone, some hope out there in the nether regions of cyber space, so I began my hunt, and journey into the eye opening world of green body care products.
My first stop was at the blog of The Wellness Mama, and I found her body butter recipe. Never had I thought to actually make my own products, seriously I never ever thought about what was actually IN my products before. If it’s on a shelf at a store, surely it’s safe? (insert educated rolling eyes here!) And surely only science and pharmacy folks knew how to make this stuff. I shake my head now at my naive self, and yet we were never taught to think through these things! Back to the butter, I bought all the ingredients, mostly from Amazon, and whipped it up (literally!). I put it on my girls and was blown away by the almost immediate relief they received from this miraculous butter that I MADE non-the-less! And nothing has ever been on their bodies since that day. Now I have three kiddos and they all use this body and only this as their moisturizer, and they have never, ever had skin issues. Plus the fact I do not use soap on them, only Norwex microfiber cloths to wash, and green clean shampoo and conditioner. I have such peace of mind that there is nothing toxic or harmful entering their skin and disrupting their delicate, fast paced developing body systems.
Whipped Body Butter Recipe
from the Wellness Mama
Body Butter Ingredients
1/2 cup raw Shea Butter
1/2 cup Cocoa Butter (or Mango Butter)
1/2 cup Coconut oil (cold-pressed organic preferably)
1/2 cup Light Oil (I use Jojoba oil, but you can use olive, almond, grape seed, etc.)
Optional: 10-20 drops of essential oil of choice – I’ve used Lavender, Sweet Orange, Geranium, and Rose essential oils. Best place I’ve found for essential oils is Mountain Rose Herbs.
Make a double boiler if you don’t have one, I use a glass Pyrex bowl over a simmering pan of water. Don’t let the bowl touch the water.
Step 1 – Gather ingredients and measuring cups.
Step 2 – Measure out first four ingredients into the glass bowl/double boiler bowl. Do NOT add essential oils at this point.

Step 3 – Over medium low simmering heat, allow the butters and oils to all completely melt to liquid. Take off the heat and simmering pot, allow to cool to touch. Then add any essential oils you wish at this point. Do not add the essential oils when it is hot as they will burn.
Step 4 – Put your bowl of goodness into the refrigerator to hang out for an hour or so. The plan is to let it start to harden a little and get cold…but it could accidentally look like mine which was in a bit too long! But no worries, the next step will still work!
Step 5 – Whip the butter! Grab your handy dandy electric mixer, I like to use a cheap hand held one I only use for my butters but you can use whatever you have, and start to whip the cold butter. It will eventually look like whipped cream, takes about 5-10 mins. It will turn lighter in color, almost white and look very light and fluffy.

Step 6 – Return back to the fridge for 10 mins to set. Then add to glass mason type jars, containers. Label and store in your home as you would any other cream or lotion, as long as your house stays below 75 degree F. If it’s too hot the butters and oils will melt back down, so store in the fridge if this is the case.
What size jars (2) will I need to hold a recipe?
I’m not exactly sure how big my jars are, I just kept adding it to my jars til they were almost full…sorry, but let me know if you figure it out!
I’ve already made my second batch and we love it!! I chose the “sweet orange” and love the smell of it. The one thing we really like is that it is not greasy.
Yay! Isn’t it the best! We all love this recipe and plus a little goes a long way and the recipe makes a good amount to last a long time!